Monday, June 25, 2012

# 4 Greek spinach pie - Spanakopita

spanakopita - greek spinach pie recipe

After my adventure in Turkmenistan I decided to go to Greece for Spanakopita! In my employed past I actually went to Greece a couple of times, and every time I was amazed by the food. I remember vividly the first time I had feta cheese

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

# 3 Turkmen pilaf - Plov

turkmen pilaf recipe - plov

The first two recipes I made, Mosterdsoep and the Tortilla Española, were relatively easy for me because I have lived in both countries of origin. Therefore I decided to challenge myself this time and pick a recipe from a country with a cuisine of which I knew absolutely nothing: Turkmenistan! 

Turkmenistan is a country in central Asia and used to be part of the Soviet Union. Some research on the Internet told me that Turkmen food is based on traditional dishes from their former nomadic

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

# 2 Spanish omelet - Tortilla Española

Tortilla espanola
Next stop on my journey: Spain. This is a special stop for me because I lived in the south of Spain, in Granada. Making Spanish food brings back so many memories of all the great times I had and makes me miss all the amazing friends I met there.

Spanish food is delicious. The Spanish have a wonderful way of making amazing food with basic ingredients. I find the Tortilla Española the ultimate example of that.

Monday, June 11, 2012

# 1 Dutch mustard soup - Mosterdsoep

Dutch mustard soup - mosterdsoep recipe

I start my culinary journey from my home country, the Netherlands. Even though the Dutch cuisine doesn't have a great reputation, I think some of our dishes such as this
 "Mosterdsoep" are underappreciated. To outsiders it must seem strange to make a soup around a condiment, but trust me it is delicious! This is mustard at its best, and I'm convinced

About me

Hi! I'm Ellen, a 28-year-old single girl living in Amsterdam.

I'm currently unemployed, which means I can't do what I love: traveling the world. Not being able to afford a trip this year made me realize two things. First of all, how incredibly lucky I've been to be able to travel so much
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